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Top tips for finals week 考试周怎么过?

发表于 2015-7-7 10:32:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
No one ever saidfinals week is easy. Late-night cramming accompanied by cup after cup of coffeecan take its toll on your body, not to mention all of the test stress. Butwhile you strive to review as many books as possible to prepare for your test,don’t forget your health.After all, if you’resick and uncomfortable during your tests, every effort you’ve made might be invain. Here are some tips on dieting, dressing and sleeping you can follow tostay energized as you wrangle your finals.考试周对谁都不是件容易的事:一杯又一杯地喝咖啡只为熬夜临时抱佛脚,身体上早已筋疲力尽,更别提考试的精神压力了。但是,复习诚可贵,身体价更高。如果在考试时生病或是身体不适,之前付出的努力都白费。为了让大家活力满满地度过考试周,下面这些关于衣食睡眠的小贴士一定不能错过!Food and drink饮食
The most important thing to remember about eating and drinking is to dojust that: eat and drink. It’s easy to forget in the midst of intensestudying, but your brain needs sustenance if you have any hope of retaininginformation.考试周关于饮食最重要的建议就是:该吃吃,该喝喝。高强度的学习很容易让人忘记吃饭,但若想保证记忆力,你必须得给大脑补充营养。
1. Eat healthily and regularly按时吃、吃得好
Grabbing an Orion cake from the vending machine is tempting, but it’s important to stickto fresher, more nutritious foods. A banana or orange with some trail mix oryogurt will fill you up better than junk food. Don’t disrupt your foodschedule too much and freak your body out. Eat a wholesome breakfast, lunch,and dinner at the same times you always do.自动贩卖机里的好丽友派也许充满诱惑,但坚持摄入更新鲜、更有营养的食物才是王道。一个香蕉或是橘子,搭配一包什锦果仁或是酸奶要比垃圾食品更好。不要打乱自己的饮食规律,否则身体终会崩溃。早中晚饭的时间最好像往常一样,注意合理饮食。
2. Avoid take-out and junk food远离外卖和垃圾食品
It’seasy to chow down on greasy take-out and fast food sparingly. But it could alsoleave you feeling uneasy in the end. Instead, reward yourself once finals areover.考试周很容易吃很多油腻的外卖或是快餐。但这些食物越吃越难受。不如等到考试周结束后再奖励自己一顿大餐吧。
3. Stay hydrated多喝水
Drink plenty of water, and then drink some more. Nothing else will helpyour mind stay clear and keep your energy levels high. Sugary soft drinks willdo no good. Spice up your water with fruits like lemon, or swap it forunsweetened flavorful tea, which rehydrates just as well as water.喝足够的水,最好多喝一点。因为没有什么比水更能让你保持清醒和活力了。含糖饮料有害无益。你也可以在水里泡些水果(比如柠檬),或者把含糖饮料换成无糖茶饮料,它们的补水能力都与直接喝水相差无几。
4. Moderate caffeine intake from coffee and energy drinks咖啡因和功能饮料摄入要适量
Everyone could use a quick energy boost, but too big of a buzz couldleave you feeling anxious, unable to sleep or focus. The last place you need toexperience caffeine withdrawal is in the middle of your exam.人人都能通过咖啡或功能饮料让能量快速满格,但是摄入太多会让你感到焦虑、失眠、难以集中精力。尤其是考试时,切忌摄入咖啡因。

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