Small but enthusiastic crowd marching through downtown Tokyo
The numbers for the march in Tokyo are modest at just 50 to60, as a result of a late start on organizing. "It's not a huge number,but we are all quite excited, certainly," says Rintaro Mori, a healthpolicy expert at Japan’s National Center for Child Health and Development inTokyo. Starting at 11 a.m. local time, marchers were heading out from HibiyaPark, which is located in the heart of the capital's governmental ministrydistrict, and walk through the streets to Tokyo Station. "People from thegovernmental sector will be able to see us quite well," Mori says.
In addition to the typical signs pronouncing "Sciencenot Silence" and "Respect Science," Mori says several people arecarrying banners focusing on particular concerns, including the environment andrenewable energy. One marcher in Christian religious garb is carrying aJapanese language sign that reads: "Religious people respectscience."
You can see pictures of the Tokyo march on the Twitteraccount of @neuroamanda. --Dennis Normile