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论语 The Analects chapter 17英2

发表于 2013-7-5 22:52:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

The stupidity of antiquity showed itself in straightforwardness; thestupidity of the present day shows itself in sheer deceit."The Master said, "Fine words and an insinuating appearance are seldomassociated with virtue."The Master said, "I hate the manner in which purple takes away the lusterof vermilion. I hate the way in which the songs of Chang confound the musicof the Ya. I hate those who with their sharp mouths overthrow kingdoms andfamilies."The Master said, "I would prefer not speaking."Tsze-kung said, "If you, Master, do not speak, what shall we, yourdisciples, have to record?"The Master said, "Does Heaven speak? The four seasons pursue their courses,and all things are continually being produced, but does Heaven sayanything?"Zu Pei wished to see Confucius, but Confucius declined, on the ground ofbeing sick, to see him. When the bearer of this message went out at thedoor, the Master took his lute and sang to it, in order that Pei might hearhim.

  Tsai Wo asked about the three years' mourning for parents, saying that oneyear was long enough.

  "If the superior man," said he, "abstains for three years from theobservances of propriety, those observances will be quite lost. If forthree years he abstains from music, music will be ruined. Within a year theold grain is exhausted, and the new grain has sprung up, and, in procuringfire by friction, we go through all the changes of wood for that purpose.

  After a complete year, the mourning may stop."The Master said, "If you were, after a year, to eat good rice, and wearembroidered clothes, would you feel at ease?" "I should," replied Wo.

  The Master said, "If you can feel at ease, do it. But a superior man,during the whole period of mourning, does not enjoy pleasant food which hemay eat, nor derive pleasure from music which he may hear. He also does notfeel at ease, if he is comfortably lodged. Therefore he does not do whatyou propose. But now you feel at ease and may do it."Tsai Wo then went out, and the Master said, "This shows Yu's want ofvirtue. It is not till a child is three years old that it is allowed toleave the arms of its parents. And the three years' mourning is universallyobserved throughout the empire. Did Yu enjoy the three years' love of hisparents?"The Master said, "Hard is it to deal with who will stuff himself with foodthe whole day, without applying his mind to anything good! Are there notgamesters and chess players? To be one of these would still be better thandoing nothing at all."Tsze-lu said, "Does the superior man esteem valor?" The Master said, "Thesuperior man holds righteousness to be of highest importance. A man in asuperior situation, having valor without righteousness, will be guilty ofinsubordination; one of the lower people having valor withoutrighteousness, will commit robbery."Tsze-kung said, "Has the superior man his hatreds also?" The Master said,"He has his hatreds. He hates those who proclaim the evil of others. Hehates the man who, being in a low station, slanders his superiors. He hatesthose who have valor merely, and are unobservant of propriety. He hatesthose who are forward and determined, and, at the same time, of contractedunderstanding."The Master then inquired, "Ts'ze, have you also your hatreds?" Tsze-kungreplied, "I hate those who pry out matters, and ascribe the knowledge totheir wisdom. I hate those who are only not modest, and think that they arevalorous. I hate those who make known secrets, and think that they arestraightforward."The Master said, "Of all people, girls and servants are the most difficultto behave to. If you are familiar with them, they lose their humility. Ifyou maintain a reserve towards them, they are discontented."The Master said, "When a man at forty is the object of dislike, he willalways continue what he is."

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