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发表于 2013-7-5 23:14:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 李佳睿 于 2013-7-5 23:14 编辑

A: A journalist for the national paper wrote a warm appraisal for the new play.

B: I must book a ticket soon then, before they are all sold out.

appraisal n. 估计,估量,评价

A: Did they apprehend the criminal yet?

B: No, I think that the police are still looking for him.

apprehend vt. 逮捕,拘押,领会,理解

A: What is your current occupation?

B: I am an apprentice electrician but I will be qualified in two months.

apprentice n. 学徒,徒弟

A: Your shirt is filthy.

B: Oops, I was cooking but did not have an apron.

apron n. 1. 围裙;2. 台口(舞台幕前的突出部分) ;3. 停机坪

A: Your comment about inefficient train service was most apt. I have been waiting in this platform for half an hour.

B: Oh, not quite. Here comes the train now.

apt a. 1. 易于,有(做某事的)倾向;2. 恰当的,适宜的;3. 聪明的,反应敏捷的

A: Did you get into the university course that you applied for?

B: Well, I have to pass an aptitude test first, and then if I am successful I will be admitted.

aptitude n. (学习方面的)才能,资质,天资

A: That is a beautiful bridge.

B: Yes, it’s in the shape of an arc.

arc n. 1. 弧形(物) ;2. 弧;3. 电弧,弧光

A: The new town hall is now completed.

B: Yes, I saw it , and the front arches look really beautiful.

arch n. 拱,拱门,拱形(结构)

v. (使)成拱形

a. 调皮的,淘气的

A: I am very interested in buried ruins and treasures.

B: You should study archaeology.



A: It is my ardent wish to travel around the world.

B: You better start saving your money now.

ardent a. 热心的,热情的,热烈的

A: The concert will take place in the main arena .

B: Wow, it will be huge. I know it can hold 30,000 people.

arena n. 1. 表演场地,竞技场;2. 活动场所

A: Mr. Smith was an aristocrat and owned a large piece of land in the south of the country.

B: Does that mean that he was also very wealthy?

aristocrat n. 贵族

A: I dreamt last night that a knight in shining armor rescued me from a burning tower.

B: Let me guess the ending, you woke up before you had a chance to fall in love!

armor n. 盔甲,装甲,保护物

A: The new shopping centre has a vast array of interesting products.

B: Yes, but they are far too expensive.

array n. 1. 展示,陈列,一系列;2. 排列,队形;3. 衣服,盛装;4. 数组,阵列

vt. 1. 排列,配置(兵力) ;2. 打扮,装饰

A: Why did you break up with your first boyfriend?

B: He was too arrogant and never listen to me.

arrogant a. 傲慢的,自大的

A: I heard that Ted was arrested for arson.

B: Yeah, he set the local school on fire.

arson n. 纵火(罪)

A: Don’t eat so many fatty foods, they will block your arteries .

B: But they are the foods that I like the best.

artery n. 1. 动脉;2. 干线,要道

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