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发表于 2013-7-5 23:38:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A: What was the score in the football match?

B: One- nil, to our team.

nil n. 无,零

A: Did the committee do good work?

B: No, it was only nominal, I think the members met only once.

nominal a. 1. 名义上的,有名无实的;2. (费用等)很少的,象征性的;3. 名词性的

A: I am going to nominate you to be the president of our organization.

B: Oh, thanks, I didn’t realize you thought so highly of me.

nominate vt. 提名,任命

A: Even though Peter hurt his foot he nonetheless won the race.

B: Yeah, he has always been a determined athlete.

nonetheless ad. 尽管如此,依然,然而

A: What usually happens at the end of one of these meetings?

B: I’m not sure what the norm is.

norm n. 1. 标准,规范;2. [常pl.]准则

A: I spent the afternoon looking at old photos.

B: That must have made you nostalgic.

nostalgic a. 怀旧的,引起对往事怀恋的

A: Why are dragons said to have large nostrils?

B: So that they can blow fire through them.

nostril n. 鼻孔

A: Mr. Hardy made a notable presentation at the conference.

B: Well, tell me the details then.

notable a. 值得注意的,显著的,著名的

n. 名人,要人

A: Did you play this piece at the concert?

B: No, I was unable to read the musical notation. It wasn’t printed clearly.

notation n. 1. 记号,标记法;2. 注释,记录

A: I am notorious for my bad spelling.

B: Yes, your teacher did mention it to me once.

notorious a. 臭名昭著的,声名狼藉的

A: Notwithstanding the weather, we had a great day out.

B: Yeah, it is best not to let the rain spoil our plans.

notwithstanding prep. / ad. 尽管

A: What are you doing?

B: I am reading a book to nourish my mind.

nourish vt. 1. 养育,喂养,滋养;2. 怀有(希望等),增强(希望等)

A: My daughter sleeps with her new shoes on.

B: Don’t worry, the novelty will wear off soon.

novelty n. 1. 新奇事物;2. 新奇,新奇感,新奇性;3. 新颖小巧而廉价的物品

A: What did you think of the nude painting in the gallery?

B: I thought it was a masterpiece.

nude a. 裸体的

n. 裸体画,裸体雕像

A: What is the numerical value you would attach to happiness?

B: That is an impossible thing to give a figure to .

numerical a. 数字的,用数字表示,数值的

A: My aunt wants to become a nun.

B: She must be very religious.

nun n. 修女,尼姑

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