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廊桥遗梦 第四章 英1

发表于 2013-7-8 00:15:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Sitting at the kitchen table, Carolyn is in the middle ofreading the letter to Michael.
  CAROLYN"-- going over and over in my mindevery detail, every moment of ourtime together and I ask myself, "Whathappened to me in Madison County?" Istruggle to put it together in a waythat allows me to continue knowingwe're on separate roads. But then Ilook through the lens of my camera,and you're there. I start to write anarticle and I find myself writing itto you. It's clear to me now we havebeen moving towards each other,towards those four days, all ourlives --MICHAEL(rises)Goddamn sonofabitch! I don't want tohear anymore! Sonofabitch! Burn thedamn thing! I don't want to hear it!
  Throw it away!
  Carolyn continues reading silently. Michael's curiosity getsthe best of him:
  MICHAELWhat's he saying now?
  CAROLYNWell, he just gets on about how ifmama ever needed him, she could findhim through the National Geographicmagazine. He as a photographer. Hepromises not to write again. Then allit says is...
  (beat)I love you... Robert.
  MICHAELRobert! Jesus! I'll kill him.
  CAROLYNThat would be some trick. He'salready dead. That's what this otherletter is.
  (takes letter andskims)From his attorney. He left most ofhis things to mama and requested...
  (she stops)MICHAELWhat?
  CAROLYNThat he be cremated and his ashesthrown on Roseman Bridge.
  MICHAELDAMN HIM! I knew mama wouldn't havethought of that herself. It was somedamn perverted... photographic mindinfluencing her! When did the bastarddie?
  MICHAELWait a minute! That was thirty yearsafter daddy. Do you think...?
  CAROLYNI don't know. I'm completely in thedark here. That's what I get formoving away.
  MICHAELThis happened way before we both gotmarried. I... I can't believe it.
  (then, innocently)You think she had sex with him?
  Carolyn cannot believe he is this dense.
  CAROLYN(sarcastic)My Lord. It must feel real niceliving inside your head with PeterPan and the Easter Bunny.
  MICHAELDon't talk to me like that. She wasmy mother for Christsakes. And now Ifind out she was... She was a --!
  CAROLYNDon't say that!
  MICHAELWell, what am I supposed to think?
  CAROLYNI can't believe she never told me? Wespoke at least once a week. How couldshe do that?
  MICHAELHow did she meet him? Did Dad know?
  Anything else in that envelope?
  CAROLYNNo, I don't think so. I --She dumps it over and a SMALL KEY FALLS OUT. Pause, asCarolyn and Michael look to each other -- they grab the keyand run out of the kitchen, almost comically falling overeach other in their obsession to put this puzzle together.
  A SERIES OF JUMP CUT --From one lock to another as they try to find the keyhole thatfits the key -- they try closets, attic doors, jewelry boxes,night tables, vanity drawers... Finally --INT. BEDROOM - DAYAt the foot of their parents bed sits an WALNUT HOPE CHEST,covered with a tapestry. Michael and Carolyn look to eachother first, before one removes the tapestry and the othertries the key. It fits. They open the chest to find:

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