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廊桥遗梦 第九章 英1

发表于 2013-7-8 00:26:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

The truck stops. They exit. Robert takes out some equipment.

  ROBERTThis won't take long. I'm shootingtomorrow morning. I just need to dosome prep work.

  FRANCESCAI don't mind waiting.

  He smiles and takes his equipment to the bridge. Francescaslowly follows. She watches his body move. Catching herself,she stops.

  Robert sets up a tripod in the small ravine beneath thebridge, pointing a view finder up as he plans his shots.

  Francesca walks through the bridge, noticing lovers namesscrawled on the inside: CATHY & BUDDY 4 EVER... ROSIE ANDHANK TILL THE END OF TIME. Through a crack in one of thewooden planks, Francesca watches like a voyeur as Robertworks. She sees him take out a handkerchief and wipe the sweatoff his neck, then inside his shirt and around his chest.

  Without knowing where Francesca is, Robert speaks aloud:

  ROBERTIs it always this hot?

  Francesca moves quickly away from the plank, like a PeepingTom who's been caught.

  FRANCESCAThis time of year.

  ROBERTWould you do me a favor and go to thetruck? Inside that leather bag withthe pockets is a package of lenscleaners. Would you grab me one?

  Francesca obliges, grateful for something to occupy her.

  Inside the truck, she scans for the leather bag. She sees itnext to a duffel bag. The bag' zipper is opened. Sheglimpses inside as Robert's personal things -- clothes, socks,underwear, shaving kit. Life magazines from July and August,one depicting the death of Aldai Stevenson; the other a coverphoto of the Watts riots. She grabs the leather bag andopens it.

  At the bridge, Francesca looks for Robert in the raving buthe is gone. She looks through the bridge to the other endand sees only the tripod. No Robert. She walks through thebridge and out the other end. She finds Robert bent over,picking flowers.

  FRANCESCAOh there you are.

  ROBERTOh! You caught me.

  He rises with a bouquet of wildflowers for her.

  ROBERTThanks for your help.

  Francesca smiles, not knowing how to take this.

  ROBERTMen sill give women flowers, don'tthey? I mean, as a sign ofappreciation? I'm not that out ofdate, am I?

  FRANCESCANo, not at all --(suddenly)except those are poisonous.


  He flings the flowers down. He wipes his hands furiously.

  FRANCESCAI'm sorry. I was kidding.

  Robert looks at her with a shocked smirk, secretly liking herstrange behavior.

  FRANCESCAI'm sorry. I don't know what -- I'msorry. Really. They're lovely.

  She begins picking up the flowers.

  ROBERT(smiling)Are you by nature a sadistic person?

  FRANCESCANo, I'm not.

  (trying not to laugh)I don't know why I said that. I'vebeen in a very... strange mood allday. I've never done anything likethat before. It's... I'm just...

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