Beat. Awkward silence. Suddenly there is tension between them. ROBERTMy mistake. I apologize. FRANCESCAWhat made you ask such a question? ROBERTI thought that's what we weredoing -- asking questions. FRANCESCA(defensive)I thought we were just having aconversation. You seem to be readingall this meaning into it. Meanings Imust be too simple to, uh... interpret or something. ROBERTI already apologized. Silence. Robert remains seated. Francesca remains at the sink. ROBERT (cont'd)It's getting late. (rises)Thank you for dinner. Pause. Francesca feels badly. FRANCESCAListen, I'm sorry I --ROBERTNo, no. Forgive me. I made a mistake. It was an inappropriate thing to ask. FRANCESCA(shrugs it off, then... I feel like something's beenspoiled now. Robert smiles and crosses to her. He takes her hand into bothhis hands. ROBERTIt's been a perfect evening. Just theway it is. Thank you. Francesca smiles. The possibility of a kiss hangs in the airbetween them until Robert turns to get his film out of thefridge. As he exits through the screen door, he stops. ROBERT (cont'd)One thing though -- don't kid yourself,Francesca. You're anything but asimple woman. He smiles and exits, catching the screen door before itslams. Francesca doesn't move for a moment, then crosses to the dooras if to run after him when she is stopped by the PHONERINGING. She picks up. FRANCESCAHello? RICHARD (on phone)Franny? FRANCESCARichard, hi. RICHARD (on phone)How are you? FRANCESCAFine. Everyone settled in okay? RICHARD (on phone)Just fine. We're all in one room. Michael's on the couch andCarolyn's... (continues...)She hears Robert's truck door open and close. She hears themotor being turned on. She half-listens to Richard. FRANCESCAUh-uh... good... Hmmm... She hears the truck driving away as Richard continues: RICHARD (on phone)We got our position in the Fair. Notbad although I would have liked to bethird which is not too early and nottoo late. But I told Carolyn not toworry... (continues, if needed)CUT TO: INT. FRANCESCA BEDROOM - NIGHTFrancesca exits her bathroom, in her bathrobe, shutting thelight. She is brushing her hair and thinking of Robert. Shesits on the edge of the bed. She sees her reflection in amirror on the closet door. She stands and takes her robe off. She steps forward to lookat her body -- running her hands gently around her curves, herneck, down the side of her thighs, her face, her breasts. She shuts off the lights and gets into bed under the covers. She closes her eyes and tentatively begins to explore herbody. It is awkward for her but we can see her trying to letherself go. Until she opens her eyes in frustration. It's nogood. She can't do it. She feels ashamed. The shame turnsinto anger. INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHTFrancesca sits at a writing table with two large books openedbefore her containing literary quotations. She searches forthe line Robert mentioned in the pasture.