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饱和英语学习法 --献给真正想提高英语的你

发表于 2014-3-21 18:01:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-21 18:01:54 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-21 18:02:10 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-21 18:02:35 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-21 18:03:09 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-21 18:03:28 | 显示全部楼层


第一个选择,放弃学英语,或者说,放弃学好英文。原因十分简单,首先,如前所述,99%的人注定学不好,奔着1%的目标死磕,显然不靠谱。其次,学英语是典型的thankless job,说白了,吃力不讨好,付出与回报完全不成正比,有关学好英文具体需要付出多少精力和成本,本文之后将详述一二,但我可以提前给诸位打个预防针,一般来说,学英语是吃力不讨好的活儿,妄想学好英语改变人生的,可以省省了。英语是锦上添花的装饰品,罕有雪中送炭的属性,不信的话,你去问问大多数靠英语吃饭的人(他们中的大多数水平也很水),英语到底为他们带来了多少人民币呢?很多人问过我如何学英语,我无一例外地都首先劝他们放弃。别误会,在学英语这个问题上,放弃绝对是一种美,而且更重要的是,英语不好怎么了呢,难道英文水平差些人生就黯然失色了?屁大个事儿而已。

第二个选择,死磕剩余1%的机会,梦想着变身英语大神。重复一遍,如果之前的几百字已经让你认清了现实,你也顺理成章地接受了自己的“平庸”,请就此打住,不要继续浪费时间看这篇文章,因为你不会喜欢它的内容。平庸是一种美,拒绝平庸是另一种美,二者并无优劣之分,it’s all in the eye of the beholder. 闲言少叙,继续正题。如果你选择死磕那1%的机会,你十有八九要问这样一个问题:“学英语,什么方法好呢?”。我在此为你默哀半分钟,原因是,问出这么个问题,你也便在一瞬间重新回到了那99%的行列。之所以这么说,是因为问出此种问题的人,连最起码的思考精神都欠奉,而缺乏思考精神的人什么都做不好,更不要说学好英语了(吃力不讨好是学英语的本质属性)。
 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-21 18:03:52 | 显示全部楼层

 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-21 18:04:21 | 显示全部楼层



 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-21 18:04:52 | 显示全部楼层



废话不多说,我贴几篇习作 (因为内容校多,着实懒得润色,如有个别拼写错误,甚至个别语法错误,如第三人称单数等等,大家还请见谅)。大家如果有兴趣,也可以要求我的录音什么的。说实话,本人语音语调尚可,不会非常灾难,我只是认为,英语的语音不是特别重要,带一点中国腔也完全不是问题,内容远比形式来得重要.
 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-21 18:05:38 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-21 18:06:06 | 显示全部楼层

The Backwater Town

The little town comes round with melodious cries of the tofu vendor. It’s a frigid wintry morning, sunbeam barely peeping out of the horizon. The cold sinks its fang into every pore, yet the vendor’s hawking remains stentorian. By and by, housewives crane their necks outside, spring back, and then scurry out to the tofu tricycle, trays and plates in hands. By the time he finishes the last stoppage, the whole town is vibrant with life.

Chimneys puff out plumes of smoke, into the sky always endearingly indigo. Sunshine disperses more cold, and some children, heavily muffled, come out horsing around in threes and fours with sledges on their backs. They are heading for the frozen pool. Grown-ups seldom stay alfresco, except those who have to ply a trade in the open air. The town is a long strip, with many an oneness---one primary school, one middle school, one post office, one bank, and one bazaar, thus life here is perennially rustic.

Or parochial. Demos here are accustomed to how they are, where “how they are” stands as an oxymoron. Teachers cranked out by nonlocal secondary schools are the constituency of intelligentsia, civil workers make for real burghers, and only if you work with brawn you are called who you are. Whichever tier they belong to is bound to be self-blinkered. Teachers’ progeny tend to teach, officials’ offspring grow to officiate, while children of peasants and peddlers are destined to sell their muscle. Like father, like son.

Which doesn’t mean folks here have no aspirations. Their aspirations are thirty miles in length, at the far end of which stands the Grand County, where everything is all the more iridescent and incandescent. Townfolks occasionally find a respite at the Grand County, but they know they don’t belong there and end up more pathetic. True, living in pitch darkness is never tragical. That chink of light is.

Lowlife needs more phantasmagoria, which explains the wanton profusion of mahjong playing. This little town has no illiterate citizens thanks to mahjong playing which requires the minimal literacy of “万”, “东”,”西”, “南”, “北”, “中”, “发”. It’s a zero-sum game, so nothing short of great valor and brinksmanship could ever square it away. But that’s no subject, coz any youngster with a pedigree falling between the stools of intelligentsia, officials, and brawn vendors is sensitive enough to the dog whistle of brinksmanship. Thanks to it, the town boasts a number of nationwide illustrious criminals, ranging from Sino-US drug trafficker to DPRK-China kidnapper.

Cool hah? But such bigwigs, even in their dizzy heights, contribute little to local conversational fodder. People are more watchful of the “snake pits” within their earshot, so gulp down a jar of pesticide (No.1 choice locally) or develop a hide of the rhinoceros if your daughter-in-law is caught having an affair (something happening on a regular basis). Count on not that time may wash it away, coz folks here have a good memory and may dredge up your blot any time. Little wonder the annoyingly stable suicide rate here(with pesticide of course).

The backwater town is where I was born and raised, and I wonder at how little it has changed each time I brave a long journey home, it’s people still gossipy and organization flabby. Yet I keep longing for it and it seems a wrench to me to be apart for too long. Why?
 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-21 18:06:25 | 显示全部楼层

The Backwater Town


The little town comes round with melodious cries of the tofu vendor. It’s a frigid wintry morning, sunbeam barely peeping out of the horizon. The cold sinks its fang into every pore, yet the vendor’s hawking remains stentorian. By and by, housewives crane their necks outside, spring back, and then scurry out to the tofu tricycle, trays and plates in hands. By the time he finishes the last stoppage, the whole town is vibrant with life.


Chimneys puff out plumes of smoke, into the sky always endearingly indigo. Sunshine disperses more cold, and some children, heavily muffled, come out horsing around in threes and fours with sledges on their backs. They are heading for the frozen pool. Grown-ups seldom stay alfresco, except those who have to ply a trade in the open air. The town is a long strip, with many an oneness---one primary school, one middle school, one post office, one bank, and one bazaar, thus life here is perennially rustic.


Or parochial. Demos here are accustomed to how they are, where “how they are” stands as an oxymoron. Teachers cranked out by nonlocal secondary schools are the constituency of intelligentsia, civil workers make for real burghers, and only if you work with brawn you are called who you are. Whichever tier they belong to is bound to be self-blinkered. Teachers’ progeny tend to teach, officials’ offspring grow to officiate, while children of peasants and peddlers are destined to sell their muscle. Like father, like son.


Which doesn’t mean folks here have no aspirations. Their aspirations are thirty miles in length, at the far end of which stands the Grand County, where everything is all the more iridescent and incandescent. Townfolks occasionally find a respite at the Grand County, but they know they don’t belong there and end up more pathetic. True, living in pitch darkness is never tragical. That chink of light is.

Lowlife needs more phantasmagoria, which explains the wanton profusion of mahjong playing. This little town has no illiterate citizens thanks to mahjong playing which requires the minimal literacy of “万”, “东”,”西”, “南”, “北”, “中”, “发”. It’s a zero-sum game, so nothing short of great valor and brinkmanship could ever square it away. But that’s no subject, coz any youngster with a pedigree falling between the stools of intelligentsia, officials, and brawn vendors is sensitive enough to the dog whistle of brinksmanship. Thanks to it, the town boasts a number of nationwide illustrious criminals, ranging from Sino-US drug trafficker to DPRK-China kidnapper.


Cool hah? But such bigwigs, even in their dizzy heights, contribute little to local conversational fodder. People are more watchful of the “snake pits” within their earshot, so gulp down a jar of pesticide (No.1 choice locally) or develop a hide of the rhinoceros if your daughter-in-law is caught having an affair (something happening on a regular basis). Count on not that time may wash it away, coz folks here have a good memory and may dredge up your blot any time. Little wonder the annoyingly stable suicide rate here (with pesticide of course).
 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-21 18:06:45 | 显示全部楼层

The backwater town is where I was born and raised, and I wonder at how little it has changed each time I brave a long journey home, it’s people still gossipy and organization flabby. Yet I keep longing for it and it seems a wrench to me to be apart for too long. Why?

 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-21 18:07:04 | 显示全部楼层

男人 (梁实秋)

 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-21 18:07:22 | 显示全部楼层
Men strike people the most by their dirtiness. Admittedly, there are some men well cleaned and preened and even some carefully pomaded and powdered, but men in general consume less soap and water. One boy’s school is said to make bathing an injunction, to be signed in and checked up on a weekly basis, and the unbathed risk being namechecked initially and forced to bathe regularly under surveillance; however, as the discipline slackens over time, phony sign-ins are imbued. Some men appear neat in slick suit, but their ear tips and necks are fertile enough to grow wheat. With never a knowledge of washing their socks and handkerchiefs, they leave used ones piled up and randomly stashed, and pluck out the least dirty one to meet emergency when clean stuff is exhausted. Some men’s handkerchiefs are as presentable as dried marmalade, sooty and sticky with rich ingredients. That pair of a man’s feet is endowed with the scent between pickled cabbage, dried vegetable, and syruped garlic, hence the saying “cleanse my feet in the river a thousand miles long”---a basin of water would be of no avail. Yet many a man is mean enough over this basin of water, fearing compromised sap. Dirty as such a pair of feet can be, there are some “stench junkies” well into the fetish of dredging about such extreme quarters and then taking much delight in sniffing at the very finger! How many men there who, when washing their faces, look after only the facade without the least care for the flanks, and could even finish cleaning themselves up with their back of hands dry. Some men don’t brush their teeth until getting married, some chitchat while delousing themselves, and---behold---a tale goes that a man scratches his itchy back and produces a mouse off his sleeve! Apart from that stamp of being sloppy, probably men are dirty by virtue of their laziness.
 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-21 18:07:46 | 显示全部楼层

Exactly! Men are lazy. He could lounge in the swivel chair with his countenance, limbs, and brain (if any) in total inertia, like a numb bird. “Gallivanting around is still better than mere sitting about” is something tailored for men. He barely satisfies his wife when doing shopping alone, always tired of an extra inch of legwork and one more round of bargaining. He is weary of everything, except when pushing others around doing his own bidding. He enjoys being serviced without toiling the least bit, and credits it as “familial bliss”. He starts a retired life early, at least some twenty thirty years in advance.


Bordering on laziness comes gluttony. Most men have a hearty appetite, and their mouths, for most of the time, are for eating. Without spotting a chunk of meat one inch long and half-an-inch thick, he would have decried a vegetarian regimen. Short of meat for days, he would cry: “insipid as hell”. Then what kind of doom shall befall him, say, without meat for three months? A man was said to be drooling over a feather duster after being denied chicken for half a year. A sumptuous meal changes his philosophy, setting him rosy towards everything. While relishing a dainty meal, a man is telling, by his visage, “thank Heaven for treating me well”; after the meal, toothpick between teeth and his face ruddy, he is aglow with contentment all over. Women do the cooking, whereas men come to set the recipe.

 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-21 18:08:04 | 显示全部楼层
Men are assumably selfish. There is a rudiment in his philosophy that the whole cosmos is created to suit his comfort. Except resorting to servitude while earning a living, he always wears an air of a lord. His home is the dominion, where he is the King. Apart from the toil for making some money, he’s a sheer epicure, finding all pleasures wanting still. When in cheerful mood, he lets his children mount onto his neck, crawling about like a dog; being sulky, he grouches at everybody. Once getting piqued outside, he takes it out at his family, with a vengeance. He shows little empathy for the hardships of a woman. In his eye, tendance out of a woman is natural law, like a dog guarding a home or a rooster crowing the dawn. He claims to love his woman, which basically means to enjoy rather than to love. He asks not how much he’s given to others, but is well into the art of wringing more out of others. The greatest mercy to his woman, as he views it, is to bring home all or some of his earnings, but as he produces wads of cash from his pockets, his expression reads more pride than care, as if saying: “see, can you? Feel lucky about where you are.” Once he grows tired of his home, he has inexhaustible excuses to stay away and find new fairylands. He enjoys the dinner party, cocktail party, bridge gathering, reading party, art party, chess party, night clubs, at least the teahouse which suits the strapped. He simply has too many ways to enjoy himself. If transmigration is real, given the chance, few men will choose to be born women. Having not fully enjoyed himself as a man in this life, he is determined to strive harder in the next.


“Grouping together while gossiping around” seems to be a common foible, but men and women are diabolically distinct gossipers. Women tend to chat about “my sister got sick again!” or “how much do your family spend each month?” Men would take another approach. Generally, chinwags among men are topped off with women, the juiciest topic for them. Once there is any sex scandal, they wish the least that it should settle soon. They dig into others’ privacy and pick on the appearances and characters of others' wives. “Big mouth men” abound, but it’s unknown why such term never catches on.
 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-21 18:08:27 | 显示全部楼层


Historically, philosophy is to Chinese culture what religion is to other cultures. In China, philosophy is a bond shared by all intellectuals. Philosophy used to serve as the enlightening rudiment for education, where children started schooling by reading the “Four Books”, namely, Analects of Confucius, Mencius, The Great Learning, The Doctrine of the Mean---four fundamental books of Neo-Confucianism. More often than not, children that barely started reading began studying a text book called “Three Character Classic” which rhymes in even-numbered lines for easy memorizing. This book is in fact a read-and-write primer, starting with “all men are born virtuous”, one of the Mencian fundamentals.


Westerners see a Confucianism-permeated China to presume Confucianism to be a religion. Yet realistically speaking, Confucianism is no more religious than the teachings of Plato or Aristotle. The “Holy Bible” as it is for Chinese, the Four Books mentions no Genesis, nor Heaven and Hell.


Philosophy and religion, admittedly, are polysemous and thus open to interpretations by different people; therefore, the two terms can be mirrored in as many ways as there are numerous minds. As I understand it, philosophy is systematic and retrospective thinking of life. Everyone is in their life given that they are alive, but sadly, few people ever pick up any retrospective thinking, and even fewer with their retrospective thinking being systematic. Philosophers must go to philosophize; that is to say, they ought to look into life in a retrospective manner and present their train of thought systematically.
 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-21 18:08:46 | 显示全部楼层

Such way of thinking is termed as retrospective because it designates life as its subject, from which the conception of life, cosmos, and knowledge sprouts. The origination of the conception of cosmos is based on that cosmos is the backdrop of life---the theater of life drama; likewise, the conception of knowledge came into being, resting upon that thinking belongs to knowledge. Invoking some western philosophers, for thinking’s sake, we ought to know what we could think up, that is, conceptualizing our conceptualization prior to conceptualizing life.


Whatever conceptualization falls outcome of retrospective thinking. Even the conception per se of life, cosmos, and knowledge is produce of retrospective thinking. We are in our life regardless of how we think and talk about life, so is how we are part of the cosmos. Yet a philosopher’s cosmos differs from that of a physicist’s in terms of inner reflection. The philosopher’s cosmos consists in its holistic existence, which can be likened to the “Great Oneness” by ancient Chinese philosopher Huishi which features “Ubiquitous Wholeness”; therefore, every person and every stuff should be viewed as part of the cosmos. All in all, a mind thinking into the cosmos is one thinking in retrospect.
 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-21 18:09:08 | 显示全部楼层
【转】大家也许也能发现,就是大多谈论英语学习方法的人,都只妄谈方法,从未在文章中加入任何自己的英文,也没有任何证据能够证明他通过他某方法在一定程度上掌握了英语。谈论方法十分容易,你找个不懂德语的,他也能侃侃而谈,告诉你怎么学德语才好(这种人十分多见)。我刚才贴出的英文习作和翻译作品,自认为在诸多方面仍有待提高,但仍斗胆献丑,为的是buck the trend,扭转目前互联网上一大批大忽悠只谈方法,只在陆地上学游泳的陋习。诸位高手牛人,如针对本人的习作有何意见,欢迎直陈,即便阁下言辞锋利,不才也一定“闻过则喜”。


之前主要给大家说明了两件事:1, 大部分英语学习者终将失败;2,本人并非大忽悠。说明这两件事的原因是大部分人都十分热衷于方法论,在陆地上讨论如何学游泳,却很少有人下水。不少人从网上下载了上百GB的英文资料,新闻美剧样样齐全,研习过的却少得可怜。“饱和英语学习法”主要包含以下几个方面:阅读的量及选材;听力的量及选材;词汇学习及复习循环机制(这是精华所在);另外附带包括写作练习的要点等。

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