1.accept v.接收,接受 Do you accept VISA? 你们收VISA吗? 反义词:refuse 2.alteration n.修改 The minor alterations are free of charge. 这样的小修改是免费的。 3.altogether adv.一起 How much is it altog8ther? 加一起是多少钱? 反义词:partly 4.appIraisal n.鉴定书 Does this diamond come with an appraisal? 这块钻石有鉴定书吗? 5.crystal n.水晶,水晶饰品 The beads are made of crystal. 这些珠子是水晶做的。 6.badge n.徽章 You can buy that kind of badge as a souvenir in that hotel shop. 您可以在宾馆的商店买到那种徽章来做念品。 7.becoming adj.适合的 Green is very becoming to you. 绿色特别适合您。 同义词:fitting 8.brooch n.胸针 This jade brooch is in the shape of a lamb. 这个玉胸针是只绵羊的形状。 9.casket n.首饰盒 Would you like to have them wrapped up or put in brocade caskets? 您是想把这些首饰装起来还是想把它们放到首饰盒中? 10.cash n.现金 Will that be cash or charge? 您是用现金付款还是记账?