Entering the workforce for the first time is going to be as instructive as it will be potentially terrifying. Most of us get jobs when we’re fairly young, and the realization that we will spend most of our lives answering directly to somebody other than ourselves isn’t an easy thing to shake. 初涉职场会在担心害怕中受益匪浅。我们多数人都是在颇为年轻时就参加了工作,我们还意识到这一点:我们要用大半生的时光直接听命于某人而不是自己,这件差事并不轻松。 The thing is, our first jobs, no matter how ridiculous, are going to stay with us; they’re going to teach us things we would never learn elsewhere, and to a certain extent, shape the person we’ll become later in our professional lives. Here are seven important lessons you’ll learn from your first job. 我们的第一份工作,无论多么荒谬可笑,这份工作都要和我们捆绑在一起,工作会教会我们在其他地方永远都学不会的一些东西,而且我们的职业生涯,在某种程度上,塑造着我们以后会成为怎样的人。本文的七个重要技能经验可供你从你的第一份工作中学习借鉴。
1. People Skills are 90 Percent of Any Job 90%的工作是大众技能即人际交往能力 The other 10 percent consists of the actual skills you learned at college or otherwise acquired along the way. The problem is, we don’t exist in a bubble; we’ll have to deal with other people pretty regularly. 另外10%的技能才是你在大学中或是在工作中慢慢学到的实战技能。问题在于我们并非活在气泡中,我们要定期处理好人际关系。 Knowing how to communicate effectively, as well as being personable, is going to be (for some of us) the hardest part of the job. Even if you work from home as an independent contractor, you still answer to (and will have to interact with) real people. 知道该如何与别人进行有效沟通,自己还要很有风度,这会是(我们部分人的)工作中最困难的部分。即使你在家当一名个体承包商,也还是要与真实社会的人们有人际交往。 2. You Need to Stay Two Steps Ahead 你要提前先迈出两步 Our success at our jobs – no matter the job – is less about any given moment, day or project, and more about the next. Anticipation is a thing we’ll learn early, whether it’s anticipating what a customer will want before they know how to ask for it, or anticipating the next demand our boss will make. 无论手头这份工作怎样,我们都从这份工作中取得成功,无关乎特定某刻、某天还是某个项目,而关乎于你接下来到底怎样。预期是我们会在很早就学会的东西,不管是在顾客知道如何开口前就预料到他们的需求,还是在老板开口前就预料到他的下一个要求。 If our first jobs teach us anything, it’s that one of the quickest ways to distinguish ourselves in the workplace is to take initiative. Don’t wait around to be told what to do; don’t make any assumptions, either, but if you’re given a chance to jump on the next thing that needs doing, without being instructed to do so, you’ll probably be rewarded. 如果我们的第一份工作教会了我们任何东西的话,那就是:想要在工作环境中最快地脱颖而出,我们需要积极主动。不要等着周围人告诉你该做什么,自己也不要做任何的假设,但是如果你有机会可以直接开始做下一件事的话,不要等人要求你做你才开始去做,很可能你就会有所回报。 3. Don’t be (Too) Afraid to Make Mistakes 别怕犯错 Conventional wisdom tells us that human beings learn from our mistakes. Science tells us that we may learn better from our triumphs。 传统智慧告诉我们:人类从自己犯过的错误中学习经验教训。科学告诉我们:我们可以从我们的成功中学到更好的东西。 When it comes to tackling a job, you’re almost guaranteed to slip up once in a while. That’s what the "learning curve" is all about; it’s an understanding between you and your boss that you’re still getting used to how things work. The thing is, learning is a lifelong process. You’re going to make mistakes. Dreading them, or walking on eggshells all day to avoid them is no way to live. 在处理一项工作时,差不多你偶尔就会出差错。这就是“学习曲线”:你和你的老板都会谅解,你还处于适应这项工作的过程中。学习是一个终身性的过程。你会犯错误。害怕出差错,为了避免出差错整天如履薄冰,这并不是生活的方式。