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非限定动词 F

发表于 2014-4-24 17:29:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
I have finished repairing that machine.我修完那台机器了。 b)动名词可以用状语来修饰。如:
They have started working in the apple-orchard.他们已经开始在苹果园里劳动了。
repairing that machine和working in the apple-orchard。 3)动名词的名词特征 在句中可作主语、宾语等。如:
Getting up early is a good habit.起早是个好习惯。(动名词getting up作主语)
The foreign visitors enjoyed seeing Chinese acrobatics.外宾喜欢看中国杂技。(动名词seeing作宾语)
用法动名词可用作主语、表语、宾语、定语等。 1)作主语:
Seeing is believing.百闻不如一见。
Reading aloud is very important in learning English.学习英语朗读很重要。
Looking down on women is feudal ideology.轻视妇女是封建意识。 [注]在下面结构中,亦可用引词讧作形式主语,把意义上的主语即动名词放在句末。如:
It's no use over spilt milk.牛奶打翻了哭也没有用。(作无益的后悔没有用)
It's no good talking about it.谈也无用。 2)作表语:
Her job was looking after the pigs.她的工作是喂猪。 His hobby is collecting stamps.他爱好集邮。
[注] 动名词作表语时,不可与进行时态相混淆。试比较: She was washing clothes. (过去进行时) 她正在洗衣服。
Her job was washing clothes. (动名词) 她的工作是洗衣服。 3)作宾语:
a)作直接宾语,用在begin,start,stop,finish,like等动词后面。如: please stop talking.请不要讲话。
You must practise reading English aloud.你应练习朗读英语。 b)作介词的宾语。如:
My sister is fond of reading novels.我姐姐喜欢看小说。
We're tired of having the same kind of food everyday.我们对天天吃同样的饭菜感到厌倦。
Instead of going to Zhongshan park,they went to the ZOO.他们没有去中山公园,到动物园去了。
Mr. Bush earns his living by teaching.布什先生以教书为生。 He was punished for stealing.他因偷盗受到惩罚。 4)作定语:
My father works in a printing shop.我的父亲在一个印刷厂工作。 Our school built a swimming pool last summer.我们学校去年夏天修建了一个游泳池。
Our teacher uses a very good teaching method.我们教师的教学方法很好。
 楼主| 发表于 2014-4-24 17:30:19 | 显示全部楼层
Trying without success is better than not trying at all.试验没有成功也比不试验好。
He Hated himself for not having worked hard.他悔恨自己没有用功。 动名词复合结构
Your going there will help a lot.你到那里对事情将大有帮助。 (your going there作主语)
Please excuse my interrupting you.请原谅我打断你。(my interrupting you作excuse的宾语)
Do you mind my smoking?我可以抽烟吗?(my smoking作mind的宾语) Aunt Liu was very happy about Wang's coming to see her.刘大娘很高兴王来看她。(Wang's coming作介词about的宾语)
We are looking forward to the expert's coming to speak to us.我们盼望那位专家来给我们作报告。(the expert's coming作look forward to的宾语)
Please excuse me interrupting you.
Aunt Liu was very happy about Wang coming to see her. 下面再举几例:
His father agreed to him becoming an engine-driver.他父亲同意他做火车司机。
DO you remember me and my mother coming to see you?你还记得我和我母亲来看你吗?
Tides are caused by the moon and sun pulling water toward them.海潮是由于月亮和太阳吸引海水而引起的。
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