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论语 The Analects chapter 16英2

发表于 2013-7-5 22:51:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

To find enjoyment in the discriminating study of ceremonies and music; tofind enjoyment in speaking of the goodness of others; to find enjoyment inhaving many worthy friends:-these are advantageous. To find enjoyment inextravagant pleasures; to find enjoyment in idleness and sauntering; tofind enjoyment in the pleasures of feasting:-these are injurious."Confucius said, "There are three errors to which they who stand in thepresence of a man of virtue and station are liable. They may speak when itdoes not come to them to speak;-this is called rashness. They may not speakwhen it comes to them to speak;-this is called concealment. They may speakwithout looking at the countenance of their superior;-this is calledblindness."Confucius said, "There are three things which the superior man guardsagainst. In youth, when the physical powers are not yet settled, he guardsagainst lust. When he is strong and the physical powers are full of vigor,he guards against quarrelsomeness. When he is old, and the animal powersare decayed, he guards against covetousness."Confucius said, "There are three things of which the superior man stands inawe. He stands in awe of the ordinances of Heaven. He stands in awe ofgreat men. He stands in awe of the words of sages.

  "The mean man does not know the ordinances of Heaven, and consequently doesnot stand in awe of them. He is disrespectful to great men. He makes sportof the words of sages."Confucius said, "Those who are born with the possession of knowledge arethe highest class of men. Those who learn, and so readily get possession ofknowledge, are the next. Those who are dull and stupid, and yet compass thelearning, are another class next to these. As to those who are dull andstupid and yet do not learn;-they are the lowest of the people."Confucius said, "The superior man has nine things which are subjects withhim of thoughtful consideration. In regard to the use of his eyes, he isanxious to see clearly. In regard to the use of his ears, he is anxious tohear distinctly. In regard to his countenance, he is anxious that it shouldbe benign. In regard to his demeanor, he is anxious that it should berespectful. In regard to his speech, he is anxious that it should besincere. In regard to his doing of business, he is anxious that it shouldbe reverently careful. In regard to what he doubts about, he is anxious toquestion others. When he is angry, he thinks of the difficulties his angermay involve him in. When he sees gain to be got, he thinks ofrighteousness."Confucius said, "Contemplating good, and pursuing it, as if they could notreach it; contemplating evil! and shrinking from it, as they would fromthrusting the hand into boiling water:-I have seen such men, as I haveheard such words.

  "Living in retirement to study their aims, and practicing righteousness tocarry out their principles:-I have heard these words, but I have not seensuch men."The Duke Ching of Ch'i had a thousand teams, each of four horses, but onthe day of his death, the people did not praise him for a single virtue.

  Po-i and Shu-ch'i died of hunger at the foot of the Shau-yang mountains,and the people, down to the present time, praise them.

  "Is not that saying illustrated by this?"Ch'an K'ang asked Po-yu, saying, "Have you heard any lessons from yourfather different from what we have all heard?"Po-yu replied, "No. He was standing alone once, when I passed below thehall with hasty steps, and said to me, 'Have you learned the Odes?' On myreplying 'Not yet,' he added, If you do not learn the Odes, you will not befit to converse with.' I retired and studied the Odes.

  "Another day, he was in the same way standing alone, when I passed by belowthe hall with hasty steps, and said to me, 'Have you learned the rules ofPropriety?' On my replying 'Not yet,' he added, 'If you do not learn therules of Propriety, your character cannot be established.' I then retired,and learned the rules of Propriety.

  "I have heard only these two things from him."Ch'ang K'ang retired, and, quite delighted, said, "I asked one thing, and Ihave got three things. I have heard about the Odes. I have heard about therules of Propriety. I have also heard that the superior man maintains adistant reserve towards his son."The wife of the prince of a state is called by him Fu Zan. She callsherself Hsiao T'ung. The people of the state call her Chun Fu Zan, and, tothe people of other states, they call her K'wa Hsiao Chun. The people ofother states also call her Chun Fu Zan.

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