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发表于 2013-7-5 23:24:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A: I heard that your house is haunted, how scary.

B: I’m not afraid of ghosts.

haunt vt. 1.(鬼魂等)长出没于;2. 使苦恼,使担忧;3. (思想,回忆等)萦绕在心头,缠绕

n. 常去的地方

A: The countryside offers me a welcome haven from city life.

B: Yes, it is necessary to get some clean and fresh air every once and a while.

haven n. 安全的地方,避难所,庇护所

A: There was havoc in the country when news of the war broke out.

B: I am not surprised.

havoc n. 大破坏,大毁坏

play havoc with 毁坏,扰乱

A: That is a very large bird in the sky.

B: I think it is a type of hawk.

hawk n. 1. 鹰;2. (主战或主张强硬路线的)"鹰派"人物

vt. 叫卖,兜售

A: Did you enjoy your drive?

B: Not really. There was haze and I could not see much out of the window.

haze n. 1. 烟雾;2. 懵懂,迷糊

vi. (over) 变模糊,变朦胧

A: Let’s sit around the hearth tonight and tell stories.

B: Great idea, I’ll light the fire.

hearth n. 炉床,壁炉边

A: I just bought 100 hectares of land.

B: That is a lot of land. What are you going to do with it?

hectare n. 公顷

A: The policewoman’s talk heightened my awareness of the dangers in the city.

B: Yes, she gave an informed speech.

heighten v. (使)提高,加强

A: I am the sole heir to my father’s wealth.

B: Lucky you. It is shame that your father is not very wealthy!

heir n. 继承人

A: Why are you wearing that helmet?

B: I am pretending to be a firefighter!

helmet n. 头盔

A: Excuse me, but the hem on your skirt is showing.

B: Oh, thanks. I meant to sew it up this morning.

hem n. 贴边,镶边

vt. 1. 给...缝贴边;2. (in)包围,限制,约束

A: Have you been to the Southern Hemisphere?

B: No, I have never even traveled outside of Europe.

hemisphere n. 1. 地球的半球;2. 大脑半球

A: Henceforth, I promise to work much harder.

B: You promise that every year!

henceforth ad. 从今以后,从此以后

A: The trumpet blast heralded the news of the king’s arrival.

B: And did the crowds gather after hearing it?

herald vt. 1. 预示……的来临(或发生);2. 宣布,欢呼

n. 1. 传令官,信使;2. 预兆,先兆

A: This meal is very tasty.

B: Oh, that must be the herbs that I put into it.

herb n. 药草,(调味用的)香草,草本植物。

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