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发表于 2013-7-5 23:36:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A: The film was uplifting.

B: Yes, it was good for my morale .

morale n. 士气,斗志

A: Do you think you have a strict set of principles?

B: Yes, I think I have a strong sense of morality .

morality n. 1. 道德,(行为等的)道德性;2. 德行,品行

A: Be careful, that is dangerous.

B: Oh, we are all mortals and have to die at some stage or another.

mortal a. 1. 终有一死的;2. 致命的;3. 你死我活的,不共戴天的

n. 人

A: Did you buy your house with cash?

B: Not at all, I had to take out a huge mortgage .

mortgage n. 抵押,抵押借款

vt. 抵押

A: The drains are not working.

B: They must be filled with moss again, I will clear them.

moss n. 藓类植物,苔藓

A: Shall we stay in a hotel?

B: No, let’s save money and stay in a motel .

motel n. 汽车旅馆

A: There is a hole in your sweatshirt.

B: Oh, it was eaten by moths .

moth n. 蛾

A: Do you drive a car?

B: No, but I can ride a motorcycle .

motorcycle n. 摩托车

A: What was the motto  of your school?

B: I’m not sure if it had one.

motto n. 箴言,格言,座右铭

A: The castle was built on the top of the mound  overlooking the village.

B: I assume they did that for protection.

mound n. 1. 土墩,沙土堆;2. (一)堆,(一)垛

A: It has been a long time since your father passed away.

B: Yes, but I’m still in mourning.

mourn v. 1. 哀悼;2. (对……)感到痛心(或遗憾)

A: Have you ever grown a beard?

B: No, but I did have a moustache once.

moustache n. 八字须

A: The grass is getting long.

B: Well, it is about time that you mowed it then.

mow v. 割(草)

mow down 大量杀伤,扫杀,摧毁

A: Don’t come into the house with muddy shoes.

B: OK, I’ll take them off now.

muddy a. 1. 泥泞的,沾满烂泥的;2. (光,色泽)灰暗的,暗淡的;3. 模糊的,糊涂的

vt. 1. 使沾上烂泥;2. 使(形势,争端等)显得扑朔迷离

A: You are as slow as a mule .

B: You are no spring chicken yourself.

mule n. 1. 骡子;2. [pl.]拖鞋;3. 十分固执的人

A: Are you planning to feed the multitudes with this meal?

B: Yes, I cook rather a lot.

multitude n. 1. 大量,许多;2. [the ~]大众,民众

a multitude / multitudes of 许多,大量

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