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廊桥遗梦 第四章 英2

发表于 2013-7-8 00:15:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Camera equipment, a chain with a medallion that reads"FRANCESCA," three leather bound notebooks -- and a sealedenvelope with "Carolyn or Michael" written on it.


  Carolyn relents. She takes out the lefter and reads:

  CAROLYN"January, 1987. Dear Carolyn. I hopeyou're reading this with Michael. I'msure he wouldn't be able to read itby himself and he'll need some helpunderstanding all this, especiallythe parts about me having sex..."Insulted, Michael pulls the lefter out of her hand anddefiantly attempts to read it aloud himself to disprove hismother's claim. But after looking at a few lines, hesurrenders and hands the lefter back to his sister.

  CAROLYN (cont'd)"First, and most of all, I love youboth very much and although I feelfine, I thought it was time to put myaffairs, excuse that word, in order."MICHAELI can't believe she's making jokes.

  CAROLYNSshhh. "After going through thesafety deposit box, I'm sure you'llfind you're way to this letter. It'shard to write this to my ownchildren. I could let this die withthe rest of me, I suppose.

  (cont'd)But as one gets older, one fearssubside. What becomes more and moreimportant is to be known -- known forall that you were during this briefstay. Row said it seems to me to leavethis earth without hose you love themost ever really knowing who youwere. It's easy for a mother to loveher children no matter what -- it'ssomething that just happens. I don'tknow if it's as simple for children.

  You're all so busy being angry at usfor raising you wrong. But I thoughtit was important to give you thatchance. To give you the opportunityto love me for all that I was..."Carolyn and Michael look to each other like two schoolchildren about to take a difficult exam. They continue.

  CAROLYN (cont'd)"His name was Robert Kincaid. He wasa photographer and he was here in1965 shooting an article for NationalGeographic on the covered bridges ofMadison County. Remember when we gotthat issue and looked at thosebridges we'd seen for years but nevernoticed? How we felt likecelebrities? Remember when we startedgetting the subscription?

  They don't remember.

  CAROLYN (cont'd)I don't want you to be angry withhim. I hope after you know the wholestory, you might even think well ofhim. Even grateful.


  CAROLYN(reads)"... It's all there in the threenotebooks. Read them in order.

  If you don't want to, I supposethat's okay too. But in that case Iwant you to know something -- I neverstopped loving your father. He was avery good man. It's just that my lovefor Robert was different. He broughtout something in me no one had everbrought out before, or since. He mademe feel like a woman in a way fewwomen, maybe more, ever experience..."MICHAELThat's it!

  Grabbing the letter, he starts putting everything back in thetrunk.

  CAROLYNWhat are you doing?

  MICHAELThis is crazy. She waits till she'sdead to tell us all this. Well, I gotnews for you. She was my mother.

  That's enough for me. I don't have toknow who she was.

  CAROLYNWell, I'd like to read them.

  MICHAELNo. We're going to lock this up and --CAROLYNSTOP IT!

  (Michael freezes)I want to read them! If you don'twant to, then just leave. But don'tyou push me around like I'm some muleyou paid for -- I already GOT AHUSBAND!

  Michael is stymied.  

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