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廊桥遗梦 第七章 英1

发表于 2013-7-8 00:22:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Dressed in jeans and a light summer blouse, Francesca sitsalone -- treating herself to breakfast and the paper. Some ofthe gossip news includes rumors of Frank Sinatra, 49,marrying Mia Farrow, 19: Cary Grant 61, marrying DYAN CANNON,27. Francesca shakes her head in disbelief at such news.

  She tries to continue reading, but is distracted by the loudconversation in the booth beside her:

  TWO MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN and ONE MIDDLE-AGED HUSBAND sit afterbreakfast discussing the local gossip.

  ELEANOROh, this heat! Times like this I wishwe took that offer from your brotherand moved on up to Michigan.

  HENRYThey got heat in Michigan.

  ELEANORNot this kind of heat.

  HENRYHeat is heat.

  ELEANORHeat is not heat! There's differentkinds! And this heat is much hotterthan what they got in Michigan. Yougo and call your brother and see ifhe don't say the same thing.

  HENRYI'll get right on it.

  Mrs. Delaney, an attractive well-off woman in her forties,enters the shop and heads for the counter.

  GLADYS(whispers)Mrs. Delaney.

  (Eleanor looks)Did you hear the latest?

  ELEANORNo, what?

  GRADYSApparently, she caught them.

  (Eleanor gasps)Ran right into them in Des Moines inthe middle of her shopping.

  ELEANOROh, what a horror. Poor woman. ThatRedfield girl's got no businessshowing her face in daylight.

  GRADYSI don't know how that tramp standsliving here. No one can bear evenspeaking to her. She has no friends.

  HENRYWell, nobody put a gun to his head.

  ELEANOROh, shut up! It's the woman who's incontrol of these situations. Mendon't know which end is up till awoman points.

  Mrs. Delaney acts as if nothing is wrong. Yet, she knowseveryone knows and everyone knows she knows they know, yet noone says a word. She sits at the counter.

  MRS. DELANEYJust coffee, please.

  Francesca hears the gossip continue in hushed tones:

  GLADYSSee. Money don't buy happiness. Imust say, she's taking it well.

  ELEANORI'd kill him. Him and that Redfieldwoman. Together. First one then theother. And then I'd laugh.

  GLADYSI'd laugh first then I'd kill them.

  Make sure they heard me laughing.

  Eleanor nods. Not being able to stand it, Francesca rises.

  She must pass them on the way to the counter, in order topay. Eleanor immediately stops her.

  ELEANORFrancesca! So, everybody got off okaylast night?

  FRANCESCAYes, thanks.

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