Robert and Francesca are in the middle of dinner. But insteadof the usual silence that surrounds Johnson family eating,Francesca is mesmerized by Robert as he manages to eat andtell a story. The scene begins with a LAUGH FROM FRANCESCA. ROBERT(laughs)... No, wait, it gets better. He stands up and acts it out for her. ROBERT (cont'd)You have to get the full picturehere. I have three cameras around myneck, a tripod in one hand and mypants down around my ankles. Ithought this was a private bush. Ilook up and this gorilla, this femalegorilla, is staring at me with whatcan best be described as the mostlascivious expression I've ever seenon a female with so much body hair. (Francesca laughs)I freeze. 'Cause that's what they tellyou to do. In this position. She comestowards me and... and she... (he stops awkwardly)FRANCESCAWhat? ROBERTShe starts sniffing me. FRANCESCAOh my God... (laughs)You're blushing. ROBERTIt's still a very sensitive memoryfor me. FRANCESCAThen what happened? ROBERTWe got engaged. FRANCESCAOh you! She throws a napkin at him. FRANCESCA (cont'd)None of this is true! ROBERTNo, it is. Except for the engagementpart. She wouldn't have me, althoughI still get a Valentine every year. Francesca is laughing so hard she can't breath. Robert lovesmaking her laugh. FRANCESCAYou ought to write these storiesdown. ROBERTNah. I've tried. My writing's tootechnical, I think. Problem of beinga journalist too long is you stopgiving yourself permission to invent. I better just stick to making pictures. FRANCESCA"Making pictures." I like that. Youreally love what you do, don't you? ROBERT(nods, smiles shyly)I'm kind of obsessed by it, actually. FRANCESCAWhy, do you think? ROBERTI don't know if obsessions havereasons. I think that's why they'reobsessions. FRANCESCAYou sound like an artist. ROBERTNo. I wouldn't say that. NationalGeographic isn't exactly the hub ofartistic inspiration. They like theirwild life in focus and without anypersonal comment. I don't mindreally. I'm not artist. I'd faced thata long time ago. It's the course ofbeing well-adjusted. I'm too normal. FRANCESCA(supportively)I don't think you're normal. He looks at her in surprise. She catches herself again. FRANCESCAI didn't mean that the way it sounded. ROBERTWell, let's just call it a complimentand move on. (changes subject)Did you love teaching? FRANCESCA (cont'd)Sometimes. When there was a particularstudent who made a difference. I knowthey're all supposed to, but it's nottrue. You tend to single out one ortwo you think you can contributesomething to. ROBERTAnd did you? FRANCESCAI'd like to think so. I know one ofthem went on to Medical school. ROBERTWhy did you stop?