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发表于 2014-4-24 08:14:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1 one[wQn] 11 eleven[i5levn] 2 two[tu:] 12 twelve[twelv]
3 three[Wri:] 13 thirteen [5We:5ti:n] 4 four[fC:] 14 fourteen
5 five [faiv] 15 fifteen [5fif5ti:n] 6 six[siks] 16 sixteen
7 seven [5sevn] 17 seventeen
8 eight [eit] 18 eighteen[5ei5ti:n] 9 nine[nain] 19 nineteen
10 ten[ten] 20 twenty [5twenti]
21 twenty-one [5twenti5wQn] 60 sixty 30 thirty [5WE:ti] 70 seventy 40 forty [5fC:ti] 80 eighty 50 fifty[5fifti] 90 ninety 说明:
2) 20-90第十位数的整数均以后缀-ty[ti]结尾。
100以上的基本的基数词 100 hundred [5hQndrid] 1,000 thousand [5WauzEnd]
1,000,000 million [5niljEn]百万 100,000,000 hundred million 一亿

 楼主| 发表于 2014-4-24 08:14:31 | 显示全部楼层
1,000 million (=billion)十亿
499 four hundred and ninety-nine(101-999如此构成)
3,876 three thousand eight hundred and seventy-six (1001-9999皆如此构成)
57,453 fifty-seven thousand four hundred and fifty-three(10001-99999)皆如此构成)
768, 921 seven hundred sixty-eight thousand nine hundred and twenty-one
8,641, 457 eight million six hundred forty-one thousand four hundred and fifty-seven
50, 000, 000 fifty million
500, 000, 000 five hundred million
5, 000, 000, 000 five thousand million(或five billion)
50, 000, 000, 000 fifty thousand million (或fifty billion) 说明:
1)100和100以上的基数词须用hundred,thousand,million, billion等。
2)十位数与百位数之间有and。但也有不用and的情况,如850可以读作eight hundred fifty。
基数词在句中可用作下列句子成分: 1)主语
Two plus nine is eleven.二加九等于十一。
Four times six is twenty-four. 四乘六得二十四。
Three of them went to college last year.他们当中去年有三人上大学了。
(如说the three of them,意思则是"他们三个人") 2)宾语
Give me two.给我两个。 3)定语
There are nineteen students in our class.我们班有十九个同学。 My uncle bought two hand tractors recently.我叔叔最近买了两台手扶拖拉机。
Our country has a population of l,200 million people.我国有十二亿人口。
There are three thousand students in the university.这所大学有三千学生。
 楼主| 发表于 2014-4-24 08:14:50 | 显示全部楼层
Rice has been cultivated in the East for thousands of years.水稻在东方已经种植了几千年。
Maize is the most important food crop for millions of people in the world.玉米是全世界千百万人最主要的粮食。  
She is just fourteen.她刚十四岁。
He was already forty when he began to learn English他开始学英语时已经四十岁了。
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