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have to

发表于 2014-4-24 09:13:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
情态动词--have to
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Mr. Johnson has to work very hard to earn a living.约翰逊先生为了谋生不得不拼命干活。
I had to leave the party early last night. I wasn't very well.昨晚我只得早点离开晚会,我不大舒服。
We will have to get up very early tomorrow.我们明天必须起得很早。 I shall have to go to the clinic today for my bad cough.我咳嗽得厉害,今天必须去诊疗所看看。
[注]口语中的I have got to,you have got to等:I have to,you have to. Have I got to?和Do I have to?这两种疑问形式均可用。

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