13. baby kisser 假惺惺的人
14. family hotel 家庭旅馆
Xiong Yumei, deputy director of the Beijing Tourist Bureau, said that the bureau would recruit about 1000 households as “Olympic Family Hotels” to increase the city’s guest room supply for the event.
15. folk remedies 偏方
For as long as there have been folk remedies, apple cider vinegar has been touted as a cure-all for all kinds of skin and hair problems. 自从有偏方以来,苹果醋就被视为包治皮肤和头发问题的万能良方。
16. post graduate recommendation 保研 A senior university student named Li Tong said she had recently turned down a postgraduate recommendation from her university in Wuhan, Hubei Province.
17. call girl 应召女郎 In a startling swift fall from grace<堕落>, NY Gov. Eliot Spitzer resigned last Wednesday after getting caught in a call-girl scandal that made a mockery of<把„„做笑料、糟蹋> his straight-arrow <规矩正直的人> image and left him facing the prospect of criminal charges and perhaps disbarment<剥夺律师资格>.
17. subprime mortgage crisis 次贷危机
Global economy has been hit hard by the fall-out of the subprime mortgage crisis of the United States.
18. lip-synching 假唱 Zhang Ziyi was accused of lip-synching during the annual Spring Festival evening gala broadcast live on Wednesday night.
19. count noses 点人数
20. upstage 抢镜头 A relaxed David Beckham managed to upstage even the New York Yankees on Monday.
21. mixed marriage 跨国婚姻 Frequent migration across borders, driven by the country’s rapid economic growth, is a major reason behind the growing number of mixed marriage. 21. stranded passengers 滞留旅客 Premier Wen expressed “deep apologies” to the stranded passengers at Changsha station.
22. pirated books 盗版书 The market enforcement team in Hunan Province smashed a gang producing pirated books. About 627,000 pirated books worth of RMB20.3 million were seized.
23. bar fly 在酒吧夜夜买醉的人
24. match-fixing 假球 The possibility of match-fixing in the tennis is a “serious problem”, French Tennis Federation president Christian Bimes said.
25. low-rent houses 廉租房 The premier said the government plans to earmark 6.8 billion yuan in its 2008 budget to build low-rent houses for the urban poor.
26. Olympic theme song 奥运主题曲 During the fourth round of campaign for the Beijing 2008 Olympic theme song, more 3 than 420 musical scores and 4800 lyrics have been composed.
27. traffic police assistant 交通协管员 The traffic police assistants are recruited and managed by Beijing Traffic Management Bureau.
28. panic selling 恐慌性出售(抛售) Panic selling pushed China’s stocks to its lowest close in nearly a year Thursday.
29. post-Olympics recession 赛后萧条 China’s economy will avoid a post-Olympics recession, thanks to its vast size, rising consumer spending and big appetite for investment.
30. bar code 商品条形码
31. Aunt Sally,“Aunt Sally”是“众矢之的”的代名词,比喻那些很容易受到攻击的人。
The poor director became the Aunt Sally to critics soon after that film was on show.
32. to saw logs 汉语中,我们常说“鼾声大如雷”,英语中,竟有这样的比拟:“鼾声”好 似“锯木声”。“打鼾”就叫“锯木头”(to saw logs)。 “to saw logs”最早见于20世纪 初。据说,当时有位作家耳朵特别好使,喜欢吧生活中的各种声音变成文字。一天,他心血来潮,希望用一种想象的手法表述打鼾声。夜深人静,这位怪才作家竟由听到的呼噜声想到了“据原木”的声音。直至今日,这种“鼾声-锯木”的想象创作依然受漫画家的青睐。比如,他们戏称打鼾者时,会在他们的头顶附上拉锯和木头。当然,除了“to saw logs”.你还可以直接用 “to snore”来描述 “打鼾”。
I could hear Dad sawing logs on the living room couch. My chubby<丰满的,圆胖的> hubby <丈夫>saws logs every night.
33. bone-idle 懒到极点的
34. till cows come home 从前,奶牛处在产奶期,不挤奶会不舒服,所以会主动回家让人 挤奶;但是,在不产奶时,要让它们从草地上晃晃悠悠走回家,可就不知道要等多久了。 I’ll stand here till the cows come home unless you pay me back the money I lent you. 除非你还我钱要不然我会一直站在这里
35. to mince words 俚语to mince words 常用来形容某人说话闪烁其辞或吞吞吐吐,绕弯 子。这个词最早出现在莎翁的戏剧,原指“因为礼貌而说话委婉”。Mince 原意是“切 碎,剁碎”。试想,刺耳的话若被拆细了说,其力度肯定会大大减轻。随着岁月流逝,现代意义上的to mince words等多含贬义,常用来形容“说话不爽快、兜圈子、闪烁其辞”。
She didn’t mince words-she just told him he was useless.她没有拐弯抹角,而是直截了当地说他这人真没用。
36. book worm 热爱阅读的人
37. quarter-final 四分之一决赛
Roman captain Francesco Totti will miss Tuesday’s Champions League quarterfinal first leg against Manchester United at the Olympic stadium with a thigh injury.
38. Olympic torch handover 奥运圣火交接
Preparations for the Olympic Torch Handover Ceremony are completely in place, Minos Kyriakou, president of the Hellenic Olympic Committee said on Saturday.
39. blue blood 贵族血统
40. three direct links 三通
Premier Wen Sunday called for the early realization of the “three direct links” between both sides of the Taiwan Straits. |