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发表于 2014-4-25 11:34:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
131. exclusive interview 专访   
To make exclusive interviews with those big shots 大腕is different nowadays.   
132. couch potato 电视迷 终日懒散在家的人   
133. henpecked 妻管严 惧内的  
“Mr. Wrong”, a short novel written by Yi Shu, describes the lives of henpecked men.  
134. be disgruntled 闹情绪   
She remained disgruntled two days later.   
135.double-edged sword 双刃剑  
Being famous is a double-edged sword. It can be a fast-paced life, but not for those who cannot handle it.   
136.mother-to-be 准妈妈   
The number of mother-to-be increased sharply in 2006 because many young couples are eager to have babies in the year of pig.  
137. crash course 速成班 短期训练班   
138. ledger 流水账   
Keeping a diary as a student is not the same as a grocery store owner keeping a ledger.  
139. burn the midnight oil 开夜车   
Many students are burning the midnight oil to prepare for the examination tomorrow.  
139. his-and-hers clothing 情侣装   
The store sells his-and-hers clothing so it’s convenient for shopping.  
140. close-up shot 特写镜头   
A close-up shot of the actress reveals wrinkles around her eyes and a sign of fatigue.  
141. curry favor 拍马屁   142. take-out 外卖   If you don’t want to eat in the restaurant, you can order take-out and have dinner at home.   143. blue chip 绩优股   For a safe investment, best to put your money in blue-chip stocks which are big corporations.   
144. goodwill ambassador 亲善大使  Chinese actress Zhou Xun was appointed by United Nations Development Progress as the first National Goodwill Ambassador to promote environmental sustainability.  
145. nourishment for the mind 精神粮食 Books are nourishment for the mind.   146. double-decker bus 双层巴士   If you ride on a double-decker bus you can see more things from the top deck.  147. seek votes 拉选票    9  Supporters of the smoking-ban are seeking votes in the state.   149. global grain crisis 世界粮食危机  Do you think whether the increasingly worsening global grain crisis will affect China or not?   150. Hot potato   When she found out Jack was lying to her, she dropped him like a hot potato.  一发现杰克在骗她,她就把他给甩了  
 楼主| 发表于 2014-4-25 11:35:56 | 显示全部楼层
151. backseat driver 指手画脚 乱提建议的人   
Aunt Mary drives us all crazy with her instructions; she’s an incurable backseat driver.  
152. keep up with the Joneses 讲排场、比阔气、想在财力上和邻居一比高下的人  
I’m not your sort who likes to keep up with the Joneses.   
153. Up-and-coming star 新秀   
154. be snubbed 碰一鼻子灰  
She wanted to invite him to her wedding, but got snubbed-in fact, he flatly refused.  
155. own goal 乌龙球  
The player was so excited to score, he didn’t realize it was in his own goal and helped the other team win.  
156. become debt-ridden 债台高筑   
If people don’t keep up with their credit card payments, they will become debt-ridden.  
157. daylight robbery 漫天要价  
158. puppy love 早恋   
When a young man and woman like each other, puppy love develops and the relationship may not go beyond that.  
159. seesaw match 拉锯战   
Peng Shuai battled against Russian teenager Alisa Kleybanova, a seesaw match that either could have won.  
160. local call 市话   
A local cll is much less expensive than a long-distance one.  161. dead ringer 明星脸  
162. overdraft 透支   
High-level senior officials have been targeted for a new credit card issued by the bank that carries a monthly overdraft of RMB3m.   
163. altitude sickness 高原反应   
A reporter from Hong Kong was forced to leave the media center on Mount Qomolangma after suffering from altitude sickness.
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