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发表于 2013-7-8 12:14:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A: What is NY an abbreviation for ?

B: New York.

abbreviation  n. 缩写,缩写词

A: You always abide by the law.

B: Yes, I think it is important for national governance

abide  vt. 容忍

abide by  遵守,履行

A: I think my child’s behaviour is abnormal.

B: No, he just has a lot of energy.

abnormal a. 反常的,异常的

A: I think they should abolish all the rules in this school.

B: But then there would be chaos.

abolish vt. 废止;废除(法律、制度、习俗等)

A: Can you have an abortion in your country?

B: Yes, do you agree with it?

abortion n. 流产,堕胎

A: Henry abounds with energy.

B: I know I can never keep up with him.

abound vi. 1. 大量存在 2.(in, with)充满;富于

A: Do you read the newspaper every morning?

B: Yes, I at least try to keep abreast of current affairs.

abreast  ad. 并列,并排

keep abreast of  与……齐头并进,了解……的最新情况

A: I heard that you were nearly in an accident.

B: Yes,it was a close call—but the car came to an abrupt stop just in time.

abrupt  a. 1. 突然的,意外的  2.(举止、言谈等)唐突的,鲁莽的

A: Why do you abstain from alcohol?

B: I think it is better for my health.

abstain vi. 1. 弃权 2.(from)戒除

A: That was an absurd joke.

B: Maybe, but it was still funny.

absurd a. 荒谬的,荒唐的

A: There are an abundance of flies outside.

B: I think that is because of the warm weather.

abundance n. 大量,丰富,充足

in abundance 充足,丰富

A: Mary hangs around with Joe a lot.

B: Yes, I almost mistook her as an accessory.

accessory n. 1.附件,零件,配件 2. [常pl.](妇女手提包之类的)装饰品 3. 同谋,帮凶,包庇犯

A: He acclaimed that he was fully recovered.

B: And do you think that he actually was?

acclaim vt. 向……欢呼,为……喝彩 n. 称赞,欢迎

A: How many people will your hotel accommodate?

B: Fifty, at a push.

accommodate vt. 1. 容纳  2. 向……提供住处(或膳宿) 3. 使适应,顺应
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