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发表于 2014-4-25 11:28:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
61. cold fish 冷淡且不合群的人
62. break the ice 打破僵局  
63. to see stars 两眼冒金星   
A swinging door hit me and I really saw stars 一扇旋转门撞得我两眼冒金星      
64. have stars in one’s eyes 常用来指(因爱情、过分乐观而产生)的幸福感                  
Mary has stars in her eyes when she thinks of her body friend. 玛丽想到她男朋友就美滋滋的  
65. Van Gogh’s ear for music 五音不全     You have Van Gogh’s ear for music.  
66. Budget cutbacks 少花钱
67. arbitrary charges 乱收费     
We need to take effective measures against arbitrary charges.  
68. organ transplant 器官移植     
The concept of organ transplants involves many controversial ethical issues.  
69. autism 孤独症     
More needs to be done to help people suffering from autism and to identify the disorder earlier, an expert said Monday.  
70. cyber-warfare 网络战     
US military officials seeking to boost the nation’s cyber-warfare capabilities are looking beyond defense of the Internet.  
71. substandard 不合格     
China’s State Administration for Industry and Commerce has named and shamed 公开通报
18 substandard Chinese food brands.  
72. bump into 偶尔遇到   
73. bone marrow donor 骨髓捐献者     
Ten-year-old Kailee was dying from bone marrow failure but survived thanks to a transplant. She finally met her bone marrow donor –Wang Lin.
74. gust star 客串     
Courteney Cox and Jennifer Aniston will smooch接吻
on the season finale of “Dirt”. In the episode, Anniston guest stars as a lesbian magazine editor and rival to Cox’s character.   
75. unrequited love 暗恋     
As a tribute to Valentine’s Day, she wrote a poem about her unrequited love.  
76. vicious circle  恶性循环     
This vicious circle will do harm to the financial stability in Asia and the world as a whole.  
77. Alpha girl 大姐大   
78. celebrity romance 名人恋   
79. serial killer 连环杀手     
A female serial killer who terrorized Mexico City was sentenced to 759 yeas in jail Monday for killing 16 elderly women.   
80. puberty 青春期     
Teenage girls at a polygamist一夫多妻 一妻多夫
ranch are spiritually married to much older men as soon as they reach puberty.  
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