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发表于 2014-4-26 10:12:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Chinese <human resources> English
"以人为本"的价值观 <human resources> People-first values
X理论 <human resources> Theory X
Y理论 <human resources> Theory Y
艾德加?施恩 <human resources> Edgar Schein
案例研究方法 <human resources> Case study method
罢工 <human resources> Strikes
班组 <human resources> Team or group
保护圈 <human resources> Rings of defense
保险福利 <human resources> Insurance benefits
报酬因素 <human resources> Compensable factor
抱怨 <human resources> Grievance
抱怨程序 <human resources> Grievance procedure
比率分析 <human resources> Ratio analysis
闭厂 <human resources> Lockout
标准工时工资 <human resources> Standard hour plan
病假 <human resources> Sick leave
补充报酬福利 <human resources> Supplement pay benefits
补充失业福利 <human resources> Supplemental unemployment benefits
不安全环境 <human resources> Unsafe conditions
不安全行为 <human resources> Unsafe acts
不服从 <human resources> Insubordination
不正当劳工活动罢工 <human resources> Unfair labor practice strike
参与式激励计划 <human resources> Attendance incentive plan
尝试阶段 <human resources> Trial sub stage
敞开门户 <human resources> Open-door
成长阶段 <human resources> Growth stage
程序化教学 <human resources> Programmed learning
初级董事会 <human resources> Junior board
储蓄计划 <human resources> Savings plan
传讯 <human resources> Citations
戴维斯―佩根法案 <human resources> Davis-Bacon Act (DBA)
担保公司 <human resources> Guarantee corporation
弹性福利计划 <human resources> Flexible benefits programs
弹性工作地点 <human resources> Flex place
弹性工作时间 <human resources> Flextime
等级 <human resources> Grades
等级说明书 <human resources> Grade description
地方劳动力市场 <human resources> Local market conditions
第三方介入 <human resources> Third-party involvement
调查 <human resources> Fact-finder
调查反馈 <human resources> Survey feedback
调解 <human resources> Mediation
方格训练 <human resources> Grid training
非定向面试 <human resources> Nondirective interview
非法谈判项目 <human resources> Illegal bargaining
弗雷德里克?泰罗 <human resources> Frederick Taylor
福利 <human resources> Benefits
高龄给付 <human resources> Golden offerings
个人偏见 <human resources> Bias
个人退休账户 <human resources> Individual retirement account (IRA)  
工厂关闭法 <human resources> Plant Closing law
工资等级 <human resources> Pay grade
工资率系列 <human resources> Rate ranges
工资曲线 <human resources> Wage carve
工作分析 <human resources> Job analysis
工作分组 <human resources> Job sharing
工作公告 <human resources> Job posting
工作绩效分析 <human resources> Performance analysis
工作绩效评价面谈 <human resources> Performance Appraisal interview
工作轮换 <human resources> Job rotation
工作描述 <human resources> Job description
工作申请表 <human resources> Application forms
工作说明书 <human resources> Job specifications
工作替换/临时解雇程序 <human resources> Bumping/layoff procedures
工作样本 <human resources> Work samples
工作样本技术 <human resources> Work sampling technique
工作指导培训 <human resources> Job instruction training (JIT)  
公平工资法 <human resources> Equal Pay Act
公平劳动标准法案 <human resources> Fair Labor Standards Act
公平日工作 <human resources> Fair day's work
功能性工作分析法 <human resources> Functional job analysis
股票期权 <human resources> Stock option


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 楼主| 发表于 2014-4-26 10:13:34 | 显示全部楼层
固定福利 <human resources> Defined benefit
固定缴款 <human resources> Defined contribution
雇员参与计划 <human resources> Worker involvement
雇员持股计划 <human resources> Employee stock ownership plan (ESOP)  
雇员服务福利 <human resources> Employee services benefits
雇员福利 <human resources> Worker's benefits
雇员上岗引导 <human resources> Employee orientation
雇员退休收入保障法案 <human resources> Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA)  
关键事件法 <human resources> Critical incident method
管理方格训练 <human resources> Management grid
管理过程 <human resources> Management process
管理竞赛 <human resources> Management game
管理评价中心 <human resources> Management assessment center
归类(或分级)法 <human resources> Classification (or grading) method
耗竭 <human resources> Burnout
候选人次序错误 <human resources> Candidate-order error
怀孕歧视法案 <human resources> Pregnancy discrimination act
基准职位 <human resources> Benchmark job
绩效工资 <human resources> Merit pay
绩效加薪 <human resources> Merit raise
绩效评价标准不清 <human resources> Unclear performance standards
激励计划 <human resources> Incentive plan
集体谈判 <human resources> Collective bargaining
计件 <human resources> Piecework
计算机化预测 <human resources> Computerized forecast
纪律 <human resources> Discipline
健康维持组织 <human resources> Health maintenance organization (HMO)  
僵持 <human resources> Impasse
讲出来! <human resources> Speak up!  
交替排序法 <human resources> Alternation ranking method
角色扮演 <human resources> Role playing
接班计划 <human resources> Succession planning
结构化面试 <human resources> Structured interview
解雇;开除 <human resources> Dismissal
解雇;终止 <human resources> Termination
经济罢工 <human resources> Economic strike
精简 <human resources> Downsizing
居中趋势 <human resources> Central tendency
科学管理 <human resources> Scientific management
可比价值 <human resources> Comparable worth
可变报酬 <human resources> Variable compensation
劳工部工作分析法 <human resources> Department of Labor job analysis
类 <human resources> Classes
离职金 <human resources> Severance pay
离职面谈 <human resources> Exit interviews
利润分享计划 <human resources> Profit-sharing plan
联合抵制 <human resources> Boycott
临时解雇 <human resources> Layoff
临时性工作分担 <human resources> Work sharing
领导者匹配训练 <human resources> Leader attach training
每周4天工作制 <human resources> Four-day workweek
民权法 <human resources> Civil Rights Act
敏感性训练 <human resources> Sensitivity training
目标管理法 <human resources> Management by objectives (MBO)  
内容效度 <human resources> Content validity
年终分红 <human resources> Annual bonus
排序法 <human resources> Ranking method
培训 <human resources> Training
配对比较法 <human resources> Paired comparison method
偏紧/偏松 <human resources> Strictness/leniency
评价面试 <human resources> Appraisal interview
期望图表 <human resources> Expectancy chart
企业内部开发中心 <human resources> In-house development center
强制分布法 <human resources> Forced distribution method
强制谈判项目 <human resources> Mandatory bargaining
情境面试 <human resources> Situational interview
趋势分析 <human resources> Trend analysis
确立阶段 <human resources> Establishment stage
人际关系心理分析 <human resources> Transactional analysis (TA)  
人事(或人力资源)管理 <human resources> Personnel (or human resource) management
人事调配图 <human resources> Personnel replacement charts
任务分析 <human resources> Task analysis
日常集体谈判 <human resources> Day-to-day-collective bargaining
散点分析 <human resources> Scatter plot
社会保障 <human resources> Social security
失业保险 <human resources> Unemployment insurance


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 楼主| 发表于 2014-4-26 10:14:10 | 显示全部楼层

实验 <human resources> Experimentation
收益分享 <human resources> Gain sharing
斯坎伦计划 <human resources> Scallion plan
随意终止 <human resources> Termination at will
谈话;面谈 <human resources> Interviews
探索阶段 <human resources> Exploration stage
特别保护权 <human resources> Vesting
特殊的管理开发技术 <human resources> Special management development techniques
特殊奖励 <human resources> Special awards
提前退休窗口 <human resources> Early retirement window
同情罢工 <human resources> Sympathy strike
图尺度评价法 <human resources> Graphic rating scale
团队建设 <human resources> Team building
团体人寿保险 <human resources> Group life insurance
团体退休金计划 <human resources> Group pension plan
退休 <human resources> Retirement
退休福利 <human resources> Retirement benefits
退休金福利 <human resources> Pension benefits
退休金计划 <human resources> Pension plans
退休前咨询 <human resources> Retirement counseling
维持阶段 <human resources> Maintenance stage
维罗姆-耶顿领导能力训练 <human resources> Vroom-Yetton leadership trainman
稳定阶段 <human resources> Stabilization sub stage
无保证终身解雇 <human resources> Lifetime employment without guarantees
系列化面试 <human resources> Serialized interview
下降阶段 <human resources> Decline stage
现场工人日记/日志 <human resources> Participant diary/logs
现实冲击 <human resources> Reality shock
向外安置顾问 <human resources> Outplacement counseling
小组面试 <human resources> Panel interview
效标效度 <human resources> Criterion validity
效度 <human resources> Validity
新雇员培训或模拟 <human resources> Vestibule or simulated training
薪资调查 <human resources> Salary surveys
信度 <human resources> Reliability
行动学习 <human resources> Action learning
行为锚定等级评价法 <human resources> Behaviorally anchored rating scale (bars)
行为模拟 <human resources> Behavior modeling
压力面试 <human resources> Stress interview
延期利润分享计划 <human resources> Deferred profit-sharing plan
一般经济状况 <human resources> General economic conditions
以价值观为基础的雇佣 <human resources> value-based hiring
意见调查 <human resources> Opinion survey
隐含职权 <human resources> Implied authority
有保障的计件工资制 <human resources> Guaranteed piecework plan
有保证的公平对待 <human resources> Guaranteed fair treatment
约翰?霍兰德 <human resources> John Holland
越级谈话 <human resources> Skip-level interview
晕轮效应 <human resources> Halo effect
在职培训 <human resources> On-the-job training (OJT)  
战略规划 <human resources> Strategic plan
真诚的谈判 <human resources> Good faith bargaining
政策 <human resources> Point method/Policies
直接计件制 <human resources> Straight piecework
直线管理者 <human resources> Line manager


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 楼主| 发表于 2014-4-26 10:14:51 | 显示全部楼层
职能(服务)功能 <human resources> Staff (service) function
职能控制 <human resources> Functional control
职权 <human resources> Authority
职位调配卡 <human resources> Position replacement cards
职位分析问卷 <human resources> Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ)  
职位评价 <human resources> Job evaluation
职业安全与健康法案 <human resources> Occupational Safety and Health Act
职业安全与健康管理局 <human resources> Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)  
职业规划与职业发展 <human resources> Career planning and development
职业技能 <human resources> Occupational skills
职业锚 <human resources> Career anchors
职业市场状况 <human resources> Occupational market conditions
职业性向 <human resources> Occupational orientation
职业周期 <human resources> Career cycle
职员报酬 <human resources> Employee compensation
质量圈 <human resources> Quality circle
中期职业危机阶段 <human resources> Mid career crisis sub stage
仲裁 <human resources> Arbitration
资本积累方案 <human resources> Capital accumulation program
资格数据库 <human resources> Qualifications inventories
资质 <human resources> Aptitudes
自我实现 <human resources> Self-actualization
自我指导工作小组 <human resources> Self directed teams
自愿减少工资方案 <human resources> Voluntary pay cut
自愿减少时间 <human resources> Voluntary time off
自愿谈判项目 <human resources> Voluntary bargaining
组织发展 <human resources> Organization development(OD)  
组织体系Ⅰ <human resources> System I
组织体系Ⅳ <human resources> System Ⅳ


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发表于 2014-4-27 09:20:36 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2014-4-27 17:03:00 | 显示全部楼层
郭子蓦 发表于 2014-4-27 09:20

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