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发表于 2014-4-28 17:57:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
港澳通行证:The People's Republic of China Exit-Entry Permit for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macau
台湾通行证:Exit and Entry Permit Taiwan Republic of China
军官证:Military Officer Certificate
团员证:Certificate of the Communist Youth League of China
党员证:Membership Certificate of the Communist Party of China
离休证:Certificate of Emeritus
退休证:Retirement Certificate
老年证:Senior Citizen ID
生存证明:Certificate of Existence
死亡证明:Death Certificate
火化证:Cremation Certificate
安葬证:Burial Certificate
健康证:Health Certificate
未婚证:Spinsterhood Certificate
婚检证:Certificate of Premarital Checkup
结婚证:Marriage License
准生证:Birth Approval Certificate
初婚未育证:Certificate of First Marriage and Non-maternity
计划生育保健服务证:Certificate of Family Planning and Health Care Service
出生证:Birth Certificate
独生子女证:One Child-Certificate
预防接种证:Vaccination Certificate
节育证:Birth Control Certificate
离婚证:Divorce Certificate
学生证:Student ID
毕业证:Graduation Certificate
学位证:Certificate of Degree
社保证:Social Security Certificate
失业证:Unemployment Certificate
养老保险证:Endowment Insurance
居住证:Residence Permit
暂住证:Temporal Residential Permit
房产证:House Proprietary Certificate
土地证:Certificate of Land
房屋他项权证:the certificate of the other rights of land
国有土地使用证:Certificate for the Use of State-owned Land
驾驶证:Driver’s License
流动人口计划生育证: Certificate of Birth Control of Migrating Population
涉外婚姻证明: Certificate of Marriage with a Foreigner
婚育培训合格证: Certificate of Marital and Maternal Training
报到证: Registration Certificate
在读证明: Studying Certificate
贷款证明: Certificate for Loan
借书证: Library Card
英语四六级证: Certificate of CET 4 or 6
上岗证: Work License
从业资格证: Employment Qualification Certificate
离职证明: Employment Separation Certificate
三侨生证明: Certificate of Three-Types Overseas Students
留学回国人员证明: Certificate of Returned Overseas Nationals
残疾证:Disability Certificate
无犯罪证明: Certificate of Clearance
边境证: Bordering Crossing Certificate
行驶证: Driving Permit
养路费证: Certificate of Road Maintenance Fee
经营许可证: Business Certificate
税务登记证: Tax Registration Certificate
卫生许可证: Health Permit
消防许可证: Fire Protecting Permit
收入证明: Income Testimonial
贫困证明: Poverty Testimonial
献血证: Certificate of Blood Donoation


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